
Immune Support Packs


Power TO
The immune system

Biotics Research is thrilled to introduce Immune Support Packs, a comprehensive nutritional formula for ultimate immune system support. Each serving contains a comprehensive array of nutrients carefully selected from our top-performing immune products plus added elderberry, green tea extract, astragalus, quercetin and citrus bioflavonoids for an even stronger boost. They are offered in individual packets for convenience and ease of dosing.

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The Groundbreaking Formula in Immune Support Packs:

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Supports a healthy immune response*

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Supports cardiovascular health*

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Promotes a balanced inflammatory response*

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Protects against oxidative stress*

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“The Best of Science and Nature”


Immune Support Packs


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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

A Comprehensive All-in-One Immune Formula