Research Forum

CoQ10 cuts mortality by half in heart failure patients

Written by admin | Aug 5, 2017 2:43:38 PM

A human study of 420 severe heart failure patients (Q-SYMBIO) compared individuals randomly selected to take CoQ10 or placebo, and who were monitored for 24 months. The goal was to measure the time it took for patients to experience a major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE), including cardiovascular death. The research showed that CoQ10 reduced the risk of MACE by about 50%, with only 14% of the patients on CoQ10 having an event vs. 25% of the placebo group during the study period. According to the lead author, “Other heart failure medications block rather than enhance cellular processes and may have side effects. Supplementation with CoQ10, which is a natural and safe substance, corrects a deficiency in the body and blocks the vicious metabolic cycle in chronic heart failure called the energy starved heart.” 

Mortensen SA, Kumar A, Dolliner P, et al. The effect of Coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure. Results from the Q-SYMBIO study. Abstract no 440, European Journal of Heart Failure. (2013) 15 (S1), S20.


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