The health problems associated with obesity were found when mice ate during normal resting hours. Even if they ate the same number of calories, eating high-fat foods between meals resulted in calories being stored as fat. Güler explained that humans have evolved to follow a similar feast and famine schedule. Where we consume as much food as possible, so long as it is available. Stating "We evolved under pressures we no longer have."
In modern society, we have constant access to high-fat foods, and as such “It's easy to overconsume, over time, this takes a toll on our health." Güler also pointed to our electric-powered society, where we have lights on all of the time and are no longer aligned with the setting of the sun. Citing this as a reason that our sleep-wake cycle is being disturbed. In turn, knocking our ability to moderate eating. Güler said, “Calories consumed between meals or at odd hours become stored as fat, and that is the recipe for poor health."
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