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Collagen & Satiety

iStock-2161225794Results of a randomized and controlled clinical trial were recently published in Nutrients, suggesting a possible satiating effect of collagen supplementation, as well as an improvement in markers of overweight and obesity. This 12-week trial included 64 participants with overweight or obesity who received either two protein bars enriched with collagen (20 g bovine collagen per day, primarily type I) with water, or water only (control group), along with healthy diet instructions. In the experimental group one bar was consumed 45 minutes before lunch and the second bar 45 minutes before dinner, along with 250mL water at both time points (water consumed in both groups). The bars also provided an additional 90 kcal, including 8.8g protein.

After 3 months, the group receiving collagen had a significant reduction in body weight compared to the control group (-3kg vs. -1.5kg, and 3.36% vs. 1.80% of weight loss). Interestingly, both groups reduced their total calorie intake, but by the same amount (including similar changes in macronutrient intake). Significant improvements were observed not only in body weight, but also in systolic blood pressure, the fatty liver index, and waist circumference in the group receiving collagen (as well as an increase in fat-free mass). Questionnaires given at various visits indicated the collagen had reduced hunger and improved satiety and fullness following consumption of the bars.

Despite some limitations to this study, such as a lack of a true placebo, incomplete diet and calorie consumption data, etc., it does suggest that collagen may be considered to help improve weight loss and body composition. The authors indicate that this collagen was poorly digestible, and the simultaneous consumption of water was necessary for promoting satiety.

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