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Chromium for Type 2 Diabetes?

Diabetes-bloodAlthough it has been suggested that chromium (Cr) has beneficial effects in type 2 diabetes (T2D), it has not been investigated at the population level. Researchers from Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and Joslin Diabetes Center wished to examine the use and potential benefits of Cr supplementation in T2D using NHANES data. Diabetes was defined as having an HbA1c value of 6.5 or greater, or having been diagnosed with diabetes. The study cohort included 28,539 people. 58.3% reported consuming a dietary supplement (DS) in the previous 30 days, 28.8 % reported consuming a DS that contained Cr, and 0.7% consumed a DS that contained Cr in the title. The results showed that compared to nonusers, the odds of having T2D were lower in those who consumed CR containing supplements within the previous 30 days than in those who did not. In summary, the researchers showed that Cr supplementation in adults to be associated with significantly lower odds of an individual having diabetes. 

DJ McIver, et al. Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Is Lower in US Adults Taking Chromium-Containing Supplements. The J of Nut. Published ahead of print Oct 7, 2015 as doi: 10.3945/jn.115.214569   


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