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Crohn’s Disease - A Microbial Signature?

Stomach_ache-1Existing profiles of gut microbiome dysbiosis in adult IBD patients are inconsistent among published studied and have not provided identification of microbial signatures for Crohn’s disease (CD) and Ulcerative colitis (UC). Researchers conducted a longitudinal study to compare the fecal microbiome of CD with patients having UC and with non-IBD subjects. A cohort of 2045 non-IBD and IBD fecal samples from four countries (Spain, Belgium, the UK and Germany was analyzed, applying a 16S rRNA sequencing approach, and analyzed a total dataset of 115 million sequences. Researcher found that in the Spanish cohort, dysbiosis was found significantly greater in patients with CD than with UC, as shown by a more reduced diversity, a less stable microbial community, and eight microbial groups were proposed as a specific microbial signature for CD. Tested against the whole cohort, the signature achieved an overall sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 94%, 94%, 89% and 91% for the detection of CD versus healthy controls, patients with anorexia, IBS and UC, respectively. Researchers concluded that although UC and CD share many epidemiologic, immunologic, therapeutic and clinical features, the data showed that they are two distinct subtypes of IBD at the microbiome level, and are therefore proposing micro-biomarkers to discriminate between CD and non-CD, independently of geographical regions.

Pascal V, Pozuelo M, Borruel N, et al. A microbial signature for Crohn’s disease. Gut Online First Published Feb 7, 2017: doi: 101136/gutjnl-2016-313235

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