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New Survey Reveals High Demand For Telemedicine

iStock-1245139917A new survey of over 1,000 people has revealed that 81% would choose telemedicine for their next medical appointment.

Through the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, telemedicine became a necessary tool to help with the diagnosis, triage, and treatment of patients with coronavirus symptoms. In one large health system at the epicenter of the outbreak in the US, NYU Langone Health, between March 2nd and April 14th, 2020, telemedicine visits increased from 102.4 daily to 801.6 daily in urgent care, a 683% increase. However, the national demand for telemedicine during the later months of the pandemic had not yet been evaluated until this survey.

The July Metova Telemedicine Survey showed that in the United States, 81% would choose telemedicine for their next consultation if given the choice. Seventy-nine percent have wanted to connect with a medical professional using video conferencing. Ninety-six percent would find it useful if their doctor or insurance company provided medical equipment to create a more productive telemedicine appointment so vital readings could be performed during the session. Seventeen percent say that all of their past doctor’s visits could have been done virtually, and 97% say at least some of those visits could have been performed virtually. Nearly 79% have had a video consultation with a medical professional and nearly 40% of those people had their first telemedicine experience during or after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The survey results suggest an increased need, acceptance, and demand for telemedicine consultations.

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