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Sunscreen Ingredient Linked to Diabetes

womens_handsWith the summer sun shining, more and more people are reading the ingredients lists on their sunscreen containers. Handily, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has compiled a list of chemicals in sunscreens to be on the lookout for.  However, the information listed doesn’t include a recent study on the potential toxicity of titanium dioxide (TiO2).

Pure TiO2 is a fine, white powder with light-scattering properties, and is added to foods (cheeses, milks and yogurts), wall paint, lotions and, of course, sunscreen because it reflects ultraviolet light, and also yields a bright white pigment. The Food and Drug Administration claims TiO2 can be used safely as a color additive in quantities up to 1% by weight of the food. However, with the advent of nanotechnology, and new studies emerging, these limits may need revisiting.

This most recent study conducted at the University of Texas looked at the physiological impact of pigment-grade TiO2 of 200-300 nm particle size on the pancreas, to see if there was an association between the amount of TiO2 in the pancreas and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D).

What they discovered was that the TiO2 crystals were, in fact, found in the pancreas specimens of the T2D subjects, but none in the nondiabetic specimens. They concluded that “this pilot study raises the possibility that T2D could be a chronic crystal-associated inflammatory disease of the pancreas, analogous to chronic crystal-caused inflammatory lung diseases like silicosis and asbestosis.”

The crystals identified in this study match the size of nanoparticles most commonly used in drinks, food, medications, wall paint and sunscreen. Although previous studies revealed that TiO2 may have toxic effects when exposed to ultraviolet light, this new research has raised the ante of concern.


Related Biotics Research Product: NutriClear Plus - 15 Day Metabolic Cleanse Kit


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