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Enhancing Longevity: The Synergy of GLP-1 and Mitochondrial Health in Extending Healthspan

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For over 40 years, Biotics Research Corporation has revolutionized the nutritional supplement industry by utilizing “The Best of Science and Nature”. Combining nature’s principles with scientific ingenuity, our products magnify the nutritional

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Study Reveals How Attitude Affects Eating Habits

A study on the time and effort people put into finding out about nutrition and seeking out nutritious food, and their dietary behavior has revealed that people who focus ... Learn more


New research suggests that people with peripheral artery disease (PAD) could have lower omega-3 levels in their red blood cells than people without the disease. PAD affec... Learn more

Review: The Role of Vitamin D and Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein in Amyloid Clearance and Brain Health

A review on the relationship between vitamin D and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP-1) has revealed that the two may work together to possibly clear ... Learn more

Deep Sleep Optimizes the Glymphatic System

It wasn’t very long ago that scientists discovered a mechanism for the brain to remove toxins, called the glymphatic system, and now can link its efficiency to the qualit... Learn more

Vitamin D and the Brain

We have long known the connection between vitamin D and mental health, however, new research may have found that the reason vitamin D deficiency has an effect on learning... Learn more

Genetic Variation to Vitamin D Levels Links to Non-Bone-Related Health Outcomes

Differences in the genes involved in how we metabolize and transport vitamin D in our bodies may determine the amount of vitamin D that circulates in our blood. Until rec... Learn more

A Pseudogene with Promising Neurological Influence

A pseudogene has been discovered on chromosome Y of the neurofilament light (NEFL) gene in humans. Learn more

Broken Sleep May Harm Blood Vessels

New research has revealed a potential connection between broken sleep and cardiovascular damage. The animal study, which was performed on mice, involved moving a bar acro... Learn more

Omega-3s and NLRP3 InflammasoMe Signaling in Human Obesity

In a recent study in the Journal of Endocrinology, the relationship between fish oil-derived long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) and the suppression of NLRP... Learn more

Obesity and the Microbiome Influence

The gastrointestinal tract is an ecosystem that has a huge impact on human health. Research has shown the floral content of the intestine plays a role in obesity, allergi... Learn more

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