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For over 40 years, Biotics Research Corporation has revolutionized the nutritional supplement industry by utilizing “The Best of Science and Nature”. Combining nature’s principles with scientific ingenuity, our products magnify the nutritional

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Balancing Blood Glucose with Bicarbonate

Bicarbonate is an important pH regulator in the body and serves as a major part of the intracellular buffer system. Although much is known about its involvement in many e... Learn more

B’s and Omega-3’s: Better Together for Brain Health

Too often, we look at the physiological effect of different nutrients in isolation, however, more and more research is uncovering the synergistic benefits of nutrients in... Learn more

Vitamin D Toxicity

Everywhere we turn, we hear about the merits of supplementing with vitamin D, particularly when the sun disappears during long winter months. Vitamin D supplementation ha... Learn more

Sunscreen Ingredient Linked to Diabetes

With the summer sun shining, more and more people are reading the ingredients lists on their sunscreen containers. Handily, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has comp... Learn more

Vitamin D and Greater Colon Protection

Vitamin D is probably most known for its association with bone health, but a recent study suggests higher levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream may have a protective rol... Learn more

Vagus Nerve in Vogue

What happens in vagus… Actually, what happens in the vagus nerve doesn’t stay in the vagus nerve. It leaves, taking information about the body’s organs to the brain via “... Learn more

Get Focused!

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV, the presence of six or more of a list of symptoms, including inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity for at le... Learn more

Better Diet Quality Linked to Larger Brain Volume

Can eating healthy make our brains bigger? In a recent study by Croll PH, et al., that evaluated the diets of participants from the Rotterdam Study, as well as their brai... Learn more

Ketogenic Diet Alters Microbiome

The high-fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet is gaining popularity among the mainstream health enthusiasts, but has always been the go-to diet for children with epilepsy... Learn more

Gut Molecules Control Brain Inflammation

Unexpected to most immunologists, the central nervous system (CNS) seems to have a vigorous immune system, and one controlled remotely by gut microbes. According to an ar... Learn more

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